Landlords fined for no household toilets
Four landlords have been convicted by the La Magistrate Court over their refusal to construct household toilets.

The four, namely Mary Tagoe, Doris Lamptey, Asowah, and Borteley, were convicted on Friday, June 4, 2021, on their plea by the court, presided over by Her ladyship, Mrs. Juliet Osei Doudu,
This was after they were summoned by Public Health Officers of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) for failure to construct a household toilet facility.
Out of the four, Doris Lamptey and Asowa were fined ¢600 each, whilst Mary Tagoe and Borteley were fined ¢480 and ¢600 respectively.
Head of Public Affairs of the AMA, Gilbert Nii Ankrah, who disclosed this, said the court also fined two persons namely Ishmael and Laryea an amount of GH480 each for the rearing of animals at an unapproved place which caused a nuisance.
He added that the court has convicted Shallot to a fine of GH 240 for accumulation of refuse on-premise and insanitary bathhouse.
According to Mr. Ankrah, all 16 persons were summoned to court but only seven appeared therefore a bench warrant had been issued for the arrest of the remaining eight who refused to appear before the court.
He added further that the AMA had intensified enforcement of its sanitation bye-laws to improve sanitation in the city.
“The Assembly has intensified enforcement of its bye-laws and offenders are being dragged to court for prosecution…,” he said.
Under the AMA Sanitation Bye-laws 2017, landlords are mandated to provide a sanitary place of convenience for the household but most have refused to comply, hence the prosecutions.
He urged all residents to play an active role to complement efforts by city authorities to keep the city clean.