OSP launches Ghana Corruption League Table, document to be published on Anti-corruption Day
Ghana Corruption League Table will seek to name, shame, and prosecute peddlers of corruption.

The Office of the Special Prosecutor has officially launched the Ghana Corruption League Table in Accra, and a document relating to it is expected to be published later this year, on Anti-corruption Day.
When published, state institutions will be ranked, with the most corrupt named.
“We will be measuring corruption, we will be ascertaining the breeding of corruption, we will be naming and shaming peddlers of corruption, we will be examining the impact of anti-corruption initiatives and taking punitive and remedial measures to crack down corruption through prosecution and asset recoveries,” the Special Prosecutor Kissi Adjabeng explained.
The rankings will be similar to the corruption perception index programme by Transparency International and that of Afrobarometer.
Mr. Adjabeng said the goal is to provide a local narrative of rankings on corruption and corruption-related offences.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to move beyond the composite annual ranking of countries on a corruption drop list to our own local narrative, and fashion and retool our reformation by broadening our public sector into real and concrete action against corruption and corruption practices,” he said.
The Office of the Special Prosecutor has therefore indicated partnerships with civil society organisations such as the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) and Afrobarometer Directorate of CDD.
A Deputy Attorney-General, Alfred Tuah-Yeboah also present at the launch, said the fight against corruption should not be left to the government alone.
The idea of a Corruption League Table is seemingly not new.
When the Special Prosecutor met with the media in December of 2021, Mr. Kissi Adjabeng hinted at plans for the institution of an annual corruption League table to rank Ghana’s Public sector.
“From January 2022 the OSP will institute, as part of its pressure-for-progress drive, an Annual Ghana Corruption League Table to assess perceived levels of public sector corruption in the estimation of experts and business people. In aid of this, public agencies would be ranked against each other on a corruption barometer and the results would be publicized every 9 December,” Mr. Adjabeng said at the time.
Public agencies, departments, and institutions will be expected to prepare and submit Integrity Plans intended at assessing deficiencies in their regulations, procedures, policies, guidelines, administration instructions, and internal control mechanisms.