Property Rate: No person exempted unless: GRA declares as it commences collection

This caution comes in the wake of the commencement of the collection of payment of the Property rate by the Ghana Revenue Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government

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The Ghana Revenue Authority is entreating the General Public that no person irrespective of age is exempted from paying Property rates unless approved by the District Assembly.

This caution comes in the wake of the commencement of the collection of payment of the Property rate by the Ghana Revenue Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development(MLGRD) and the various Assemblies via

The Local Government Act, 2016(Act 936) however gives an exemption to some categories of properties from the payment of the rate which include;

Premises appropriated exclusively for public worship and registered with the District Assembly

Cemeteries and burial grounds registered by the District Assembly

Charitable or public educational institutions registered with the District Assembly

Premises used as public hospitals and clinics; and

Premises owned by diplomatic missions approved by the Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs.


The GRA also wishes to state that the Property rate is not the same as the Basic rate per Section 234 of Act 936.

The Basic rate is an amount imposed by the District Assembly payable by a person of or above the age of 18 years and below the age of 70 years residing within a district.

Also, the Basic rate is imposed on persons whiles the Property rate is imposed on properties.

Furthermore, while the Basic rate is a fixed annual rate the Property rate is based on the value of the property as determined by the Land Valuation Division(LVD) of the Lands Commission.

The GRA has meanwhile dispatched Client Support Officers to assist property rate payers register and pay their taxes.