Failed ‘parlor’ relationship promises: Ex-Nat’l Service Personnel sues First Atlantic Bank boss
Per the facts of the case as endorsed in the Writ of Summons by Mohammed Attah(Esq) of the Citizens Chambers in Accra, Seyram, during her national Sevice at the First Atlantic Bank on or about 10/10/2020, entered into a parlor relationship with the first defendant, Ernest Nimako

A resident of Labadi and former National Service Personnel, Deborah Seyram Adablah has sued her boyfriend and former superior at the First Atlantic Bank for failed promises, maltreatment, exploitation, and above all deception in the course of their parlor relationship.
Mr. Ernest Nimako, who is the Chief Finance Officer, is the first defendant while the employer (First Atlantic Bank) is added to the suit as the Second defendant.
The plaintiff is inter alia claiming jointly and severally an order for the defendant to transfer the title of Car NO. GC-7899-21 into her name and same to the DVLA to register it in her name.
Per the facts of the case as endorsed in the Writ of Summons by Mohammed Attah(Esq) of the Citizens Chambers in Accra, Seyram, during her national Sevice at the First Atlantic Bank on or about 10/10/2020, entered into a parlor relationship with the first defendant, Ernest Nimako who was the Chief Finance Officer of the Bank upon his persistent harassment.
The plaintiff avers that upon the completion of her national service at the bank when she was about to be given a contract like her colleagues, Mr. Nimako convinced her to exit the bank and not take up the offer and made representations in return of giving her the following;
Lump sum working capital to start a business
Pay for her accommodation/Rent for 3 years
Buy her a car
Pay her GHC 3,000 a month
Buy the plaintiff a ring
Pay her medical bill to undergo family planning
Marry her after divorcing his wife
She notes that after both of them agreed to fulfill their parts of the bargain, the defendant true to his words rented a 2-bedroom accommodation at a rental value of GHC1500 a month for her but paid only the first year leaving the outstanding 2 years' rent.
Also, the plaintiff avers that the defendant started paying the monthly allowance of GH3000 until July 2022 when they started having differences.
Moreover, she notes that the defendant fulfilled the promise of buying her a car for GH 120, 000 but fixed a car tracking device in it and even stopped the car one time when she was driving in the middle of the road.
The Statement of Claim also states that the plaintiff started having problems with the defendant when he demanded to have an unnatural carnal knowledge of her but refused.
Also, Seyram indicates that as a result of the family planning, she started having complications and thus had been going to the hospital for medical assistance but had been ignored by Nimako in the payment of the bills.
One striking revelation in the suit is the plaintiff’s observation at the First Atlantic Bank of similar sexual harassment of the superior bosses at female workers which the employer did nothing about.
She also adds that such female workers as her were also used by the bank to bait men of great stature in society by sleeping with them to open an account at the bank.
Seyram believes that the bank, which she worked for, owed her a duty of care to ensure that its top officers put a stop to this practice and also per the Labour Act to ensure that the employee's rights are not trampled upon.
Furthermore, the plaintiff notes that she and the defendant upon realizing that things were not working agreed to break up while the defendant settles her upon an agreement made by both of them.
However, the defendant has failed to fulfill his part and even at a point caused her wrongful arrest upon which the car was taken from her.
She is thus seeking also;
A refund of the car repair cost of GHC10, 000 which he promised to refund to her but failed
An order that the defendant pays her a lump sum money to enable her to start her own business as agreed
Pay the remaining two(2) years' rent for her accommodation or pay the same amount for the remaining 2 years for an alternative accommodation
To pay the outstanding arrears of her monthly allowance of GHC3000 from July 2022 till the date of judgment
General damages against the defendant