Work tirelessly to improve quality of your products – CJ appeals to Law Faculties
According to the Chief Justice, it is time to consider whether the standards at some of the Law Faculties in the Country can assist to turn out good materials for the professional Law Course.
The Chief Justice, His Lordship Justice Kwasi Anin Yeboah has appealed to Law Faculties in the country to work tirelessly to improve the quality of their products fed into the Law School and eventually into the Bar.
According to him, it is time to consider whether the standards at some of the Law Faculties in the Country can assist to turn out good materials for the professional Law Course.
“I will appeal to the Faculties to work tirelessly to improve the quality of their products. We have to consider whether standards at the Faculties can help to turn out good materials for the professional course.”
Speaking at the opening of the 2021/2022 Legal year Bench, Bar, and Faculty Conference on the theme: THE SURVIVAL OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION IN A CHANGING WORLD, Chief Justice also called for the questions of legal ethics and education to be distilled into the concept of modern society and be made relevant to our revised circumstances.
He noted that even though the legal profession has its own challenges spanning from the Faculties to the Bar and ultimately the Bench, serious attention ought to be given to standards and ethics.
Additionally, Justice Anin Yeboah called for a thorough consideration of how information technology impacts the contemporary practice of the law in Ghana.
Further to the above, the CJ appealed to the Bar to settle cases that ought to be addressed to reduce backlogs even in the absence of Administrative Tribunals to assist the Judiciary.
He also stressed the need for the players in the justice delivery system to reduce the delay in the justice system that frustrates litigants
“Judges need to manage cases efficiently and effectively and refrain from the extended adjournments that stretch the duration of cases unduly.”
Moreover, he impressed upon the Ghana Bar Association(GBA) to pay attention to the issue of adjournments that are not sought on legitimate grounds by members which lead to delay and undermine the administration of justice
The 2-day conference is being organized by the Ghana Bar Association from Thursday, April 21. 2022 to Friday, April 22. 2022.
The conference seeks to bring together stakeholders from the Faculties, Bar, and Bench to dialogue on how the legal profession can survive in this changing world buffeted by Information Technology, pandemics, and other exigencies.
The first day saw the dignitaries including the Chief Justice of the Republic, Justices of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, and his Deputy.
Also academics, and many legal practitioners are in attendance to add their voices to the need for the survival of the profession.